Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Quarter Two

In quarter two, we took chapter 7: La Familie or family. This chapter explains in the first section how to introduce family members with other people, Possessive Adjectives, and presenting a family member to a friend in different ways. The second section of chapter 7 mainly are words that describe a certain family member or a friend either by there physical characteristics or there mental. The third section of chapter 7 was asking permission from a person to go somewhere such as; Je voudrais aller au cinema. Tu es d'accord?

The purpose of learning chapter 7 was to show us how to explain family members to other people, asking the permission to go somewhere in particular. Asking someone to do a chore or task politely, how to describe someone physically or how they are around people and describing a friend to another person by using Il/Elle/ est comment or Ils/Elles/ sont comment. Another purpose of learning chapter 7 is when you would want to introduce your family, ask for a chore, describe someone; you would know how to do it correctly in French without making yourself look funny.

I learned a lot of things in chapter 7, the most important thing I think that I learned was describing family members and who are they such as aunts, uncles, cousins, and so on. Another main point in family members is determining when to use the correct possessive adjectives when talking about someone. For example if you want to say here are my cousins, and there both girls, you would Voici Mes cousines Lilly, Patricia, et Sandra; You use Mes because it’s plural and for girls. The second most important thing that we took in Chapter 7 was asking your parent to go somewhere or your parent asking you to do a certain chore around the house. For example, Est-ce que je peux aller au cinema ce soir, can I go to the cinema tonight? The parent, or the older person, would respond to either a yes, Oui si tu veux (yes if you want to), or no, Pas ce soir (not tonight).

I could have learned differently if I studied more in depth the permissions or how to ask a parent to do an activity. At the beginning I also had a hard time in family but I eventually learned through studying and revising over the possessive adjectives and how they can change the person from male to female or from one person to more than one person.

This does not relate to my goals.

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