Sunday, May 11, 2008

Quarter Four

My Science Fair experiment “Lights, Stains, and the Unknown” was a very complicated, but at the same time easy, and fun experiment to do. Working by myself at first, seemed very easy, because I could get all materials for my experiment, and I could do all the experiment procedures by myself and freely (even though I had to do the procedures two times). But, when I got to making the poster and gluing everything unto the board, I completely messed up. The font was small, and the pictures were horribly put onto the board, and I was running out of printer ink. So I plan to work with a partner next year because of the minor errors in my board.

I found my topic in under high school science fair and the experiment question was: “Can black light detect invisible carpet stains?” Well I changed the question a little bit because I could not find any carpet samples to use them on my experiment, so I changed it to: “Can black light or red light detect invisible fabric stains?”

I met my Science Fair deadlines pretty well; I got a 9.5/10 on my first science fair deadline that asks us about our question, hypothesis, our board title, and our materials that are needed for the experiment. But, when it came time to show the science teacher my second deadline for my experiment, I got a 7/10 on it because I forget my interview paper, and I had some problems with the graphing.

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